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Set up your MFA app now!
Posted on behalf of: Better Sussex
Last updated: Monday, 19 August 2024

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is being introduced at Sussex, and now is a great time for you to set up your MFA. ITS staff are already using the system and we are now asking all other staff to take the opportunity to set up an authenticator app on their smartphone, ready for when MFA is enabled over the coming weeks.
All staff will soon receive emails with information about how MFA works, what they need to do, and the date by which they will need to have completed the set-up process.
If you would like to save time later and set up your authenticator app now, please follow these instructions. We recommend using Okta Verify, but if you already have Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator or FreeOTP installed on your phone and prefer to use one of these, you can find instructions for these apps on the ITS MFA webpage.
You will need both your computer and smartphone to set up your MFA. We advise opening the instructions on your computer to avoid having to switch back and forth between apps on your phone during the set-up process.
What is MFA?
MFA is an essential part of our cyber security programme and will help protect Sussex’s IT systems, data and users from cyber-attack.
All University IT users (staff, students and others) will periodically be prompted to provide a second authentication factor when logging on to key University systems and applications – including Outlook and all other Microsoft software.
This means that in addition to entering your usual IT username and password, you will be required to use an authenticator app on your smartphone to verify your identity.
When will MFA be enabled?
The date MFA will be enabled will vary for different users across the University. You will receive two emails from ITS over the coming weeks that will include your MFA switch-on date and a link to the set-up instructions.
If you are on leave or are unable to set up your authenticator app before MFA is enabled, when you next come to use certain Sussex applications andsoftware you will be automatically redirected to the MFA set-up process so that you can quickly access your applications and software.
For more information about MFA, and how to get help if you encounter any issues when setting it up, please visit the ITS MFA webpage.