Help shape the new professional services appraisal scheme
By: Charlie Littlejones
Last updated: Friday, 4 October 2019
Organisational Development are seeking your feedback to help shape professional services staff appraisals for 2020 and beyond.
An estimated 250 staff across ITS, HR, the Business School and other schools and divisions have been appraised under a new pilot scheme that was launched over the summer. The pilot focussed on professional development within our career structures and enabled appraisees to demonstrate their contribution to the University’s values and the Sussex 2025 strategic framework.
To ensure that appraisals at Sussex are the best they can be, the next stage is gathering feedback from those who undertook the process. If you are an appraiser or an appraisee with experience of the new scheme your thoughts are very welcome.
Tell Organisational Development what worked and what didn’t by
- emailing
- taking a short survey
- or joining the OD team for a focus group.
Hour long focus groups will be held on the 6 and 7 November. Book your place on Sussex Direct here.