Kelly Coate update to students on qualifications and progression
By: Charlie Littlejones
Last updated: Wednesday, 1 April 2020
Today (1 April 2020) PVC for Education and Students, Kelly Coate wrote to all students to update them on the decisions the University is making to support them in response to Covid-19.
One of the University's guiding principles, is that students grades for the year would not be impacted by Covid-19 and the very significant challenge this has presented to their learning and studies. Today more clarity has been provided in this area, by confirming that the University will be putting measures in place to ensure that students will encounter no detriment in the awarding of grades for the year.
The guidance outlines:
- Students will have a safety net as the University will ensure that students' overall year average will not be lower than the average mark they achieved in Semester 1.
- Students can improve upon Semester 1 performance through achieving higher marks on Semester 2 modules.
- The high standard and value of a degree from the University of Sussex is extremely important so students will need to pass Semester 2 modules in order to demonstrate that they have achieved the learning outcomes of their course.
What happens next:
- The University will be working hard over the next two weeks to finalise the details of exactly how the safety net will be calculated for the wide range of courses and student profiles, as well as how to support students who are unable to complete assessments due to exceptional circumstances.
- The Education and Students Continuity Group, chaired by Kelly Coate with representatives from all Schools, has made good progress on finalising the guidance staff will need on implementing this position and will share details with relevant staff at the earliest opportunity.
- If a students course is accredited we will be working with the relevant professional or regulatory body to ensure that this no detriment policy aligns with their requirements.
- Further information about this will be communicated to students at the beginning of the next term, which begins on Monday 20 April, and Schools will be able to answer questions about the no-detriment policy from that point.
Kelly Coate issues a weekly email to students, which will be made available to all staff on the staff news pages. You can read last week's email here.