Update on Government’s job support scheme
By: Charlie Littlejones
Last updated: Tuesday, 5 May 2020
In the light of the on-going impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the University has been actively exploring the Government's recently launched Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) to check whether we are eligible to submit to the scheme. The CJRS aims to help employers that have been impacted by the Coronavirus outbreak.
However, as part of the scheme, the University must adhere to strict rules on accepting public money and ensure that we will be fully compliant with the Government criteria before we make a submission to HMRC. Since the scheme was launched, guidelines on criteria covering the scheme have been updated a number of times.
Working with Heads of School and Divisional Professional Services Directors, activity has been undertaken by Human Resources (HR) and Finance to see whether the University is in a position to be able to implement a temporary furlough of staff who are unable to work because of the pandemic. An audit is currently underway to review the data on proposed staff for the scheme.
Following this work, the University‘s Executive Group (UEG) will consider Sussex’s eligibility for the scheme and, pending approval, information will be shared with staff as soon as possible.