A reminder to take part in staff engagement sessions to suggest ways to save money
By: Charlie Littlejones
Last updated: Thursday, 10 September 2020
A reminder that we are running a series of staff engagement sessions next week to enable colleagues to input into ways we can find savings to help ensure the University remains sustainable for years to come.
Our income is hugely dependent on international students and as the Vice Chancellor outlined in his View from the VC today, there is still considerable uncertainty about international student recruitment – as there will be for some time.
Staff are encouraged to take part so they can contribute their ideas as to where and how we can save money. Participants will have the chance to work in 'break-out’ groups and all comments will be anonymous.
Director of Human Resources, Siobhan O’Reilly, said: “Staff have told us they want to get involved and share their ideas about cost savings and this is the perfect opportunity.
“The discussions we've had in the sessions to date have touched on subjects such as flexible working and reduced hours, the reduction of costs associated with being on campus such as cleaning and maintenance, more efficient use of technology, and reducing our energy costs. We have also had discussions about provisional measures. For example, if reducing hours, ensuring a commitment that these measures are time-bound and would be reviewed again when our future is more certain.”
Book your place on a session by clicking on one of the links below (group sizes are indicated in brackets):
- Monday 14 September - 10.00pm - 11.30am (18)
- Tuesday 15 September - 10.00am -11.30am (8)
- Tuesday 15 September - 3.00pm - 4.30pm (36)
- Wednesday 16 September - 10.00am -11.30am (18)
- Wednesday 16 September - 6.00pm - 7.30pm (18)
- Thursday 17 September - 9.30am -11.00am (18)
- Friday 18 September - 9.30am -11.00am (36)
To find out more you can visit our staff engagement session webpages. If you’re not able to make one of the sessions but have an idea of how we can save money, please submit your suggestion using this form.