Connector Programme offers more opportunities to co-create
By: Polly Wallace-Kruger
Last updated: Saturday, 23 January 2021
The Connector Programme team is keen to offer students and staff more opportunities to co-create and make positive change across all areas of the University.
The Connector Programme sees students and staff working as equal partners through co-creation; innovating, finding solutions and continuously improving the student experience at Sussex. Connectors inspire and actively make change at the University, developing leadership, teamwork and communication skills in their paid roles. Staff learn from Connectors and embrace student-generated ideas which support the University to better reflect student needs and improve success and wellbeing. Across the University, the work of Connectors and the act of co-creation initiates positive change whilst creating a more connected community at Sussex.
Actively encouraging students to be co-creators in their learning experience is central to both Learn to Transform within the Sussex 2025 Strategic Framework and our Access and Participation Plan. Working with Connectors in partnership allows staff to hear what students really want and need from their time at Sussex and allows Connectors to make meaningful contributions to their education, facilitating a truly student-centred approach.
Therese Reinheimer-Jones, Associate Director for Student Engagement & Achievement, says: “The Connector Programme, the foundation of the success and progress elements of the Access and Participation Plan, is growing as staff and students see how important, impactful and rewarding co-creation really is. Valuable skills, innovation and partnerships are already developing, with clear benefits for the University community, so growth of the programme will be really crucial over the next couple of years.”
At the heart of all of the Connectors’ work is true partnership, co-creation and innovation with staff and student teams; however, areas and programmes of work vary hugely across the University in length, depth of co-creation and breadth. Currently there are over 120 Connectors working in different departments; developing the academic skills offer in the Careers and Employability Centre; advising on the improvement of digital learning; planning and running the Spirit of Sussex Award; supporting the merger for the School of Media, Arts & Humanities; and many more.
Susan Smith, Associate Dean at the University of Sussex Business School, recently worked with a team of student Connectors to develop more accessible assessment criteria, in response to NSS feedback. Susan said:
“Working with Connectors helped us gain a student perspective which had been lacking in prior work related to assessment and feedback ... The [staff and Connector] relationship was positive and proactive with all team members working to understand each others' perspectives and develop the criteria, supporting materials, training and communications plan ... Working with Connectors is incredibly rewarding if you are open to creating the conditions for successful co-creation.”
After the success of her initial Connector project, Susan has recently started a second, this time focused on building a sense of community between staff and students in the Economics department.
William Howlett, third-year Sociology and Criminology student, worked as a Connector on the planning and delivery of Welcome Week. William said:
“Co-creation to me means a mutual benefit for both the students and the staff at the University ... Working with staff for me was one of the highlights of my time as a Connector. Members of staff from across the University really valued my opinions and ideas as a student ... You are able to learn so much about the working environment from the staff, and they learn lots from you simply because you have the experience of being a student at Sussex ... It definitely provides a mutual benefit, with all parties working towards making Sussex a better place.”
As an experienced Connector, William is now working with the programme team to support new Connectors in their roles and advising on the development of the programme.
The Connector Programme team is keen to offer students and staff more opportunities to co-create and make positive change across all areas of the University. Contact the team on