Mass testing for staff and Semester Two
By: Sean Armstrong
Last updated: Friday, 18 December 2020
On Thursday 17 December the Internal Communications team wrote to all staff. You can read the full email below:
As you will be aware the University will be providing another longer period of mass testing for staff and students who are asymptomatic (i.e. for people not showing any symptoms of Covid-19) – to facilitate the resumption of teaching and campus operations for the start of Semester Two.
This testing will be available for all staff working on campus.
If you are a member of staff who is due to work on campus you can book your two Covid-19 lateral flow tests, three days apart, via the online booking form.
Please continue to read this email in full as it contains other important information about the staggered arrival of students and in-person teaching.
Information about the testing
- The tests being used are Lateral Flow tests, which require two tests, in order to give as accurate a result as possible. You can read more about Lateral Flow tests in our FAQs.
- The University’s testing facility will run from Monday 4 January–Friday 12 February. There is an option that this can be extended.
- The testing site will not operate on a Sunday, so if your second test would fall on a Sunday, please book it for the following Monday.
- For staff delivering in-person teaching, we recommend that you book to take your tests the week before your in-person teaching is scheduled to begin.
When in-person teaching will begin in Semester Two
The Government has advised that there should be a phased return of students back to in-person teaching and has provided guidance on the categories of students. Responding to this guidance, the University has created three groupings of students, to facilitate a staggered return and ensure we can carry out a large number of tests. More information about these groups is provided on the Student Hub.
Group 1
Course or year of study:
- A small group of students on certain courses in Education and Social Work will start teaching from Monday 4 January, with in-person teaching starting from Friday 8 January to allow for testing to be completed. These courses are listed here. Brighton and Sussex Medical School resumes teaching on 4 January and staff and students should refer to BSMS information.
Date to return to campus for mass testing:
- Week commencing 4 January
Earliest date that in-person teaching may start (depending on the timetable):
8 January (earliest)
Group 2
Course or year of study:
- All final year Undergraduates, on all courses
- All Postgraduate students
- University of Sussex Business School MBA students
- All students in these schools:
- Life Sciences
- Maths and Physical Sciences
- Engineering & Informatics
- All students studying these subject areas:
- Music
- Drama
Date to return to campus for mass testing:
- Week commencing 18 January
Earliest date that in-person teaching may start (depending on the timetable):
- Week commencing 25 January
Further information is provided here
Group 3
- All remaining students
Date to return to campus for mass testing:
- Week commencing 25 January
Earliest date that in-person teaching may start (depending on the timetable):
- Week commencing 1 February
Guidance we are sharing with students:
We know that staff will want to be aware of the guidance we have shared with students. Below are the key points that we are sharing:
- Students are asked to return to their term time address in January, and to book two Covid-19 Lateral Flow tests, three days apart, to allow time for this to happen before they start in-person teaching, to help minimise the risk of entering the classroom with Covid-19.
- It will be dependent on students course and/or year of study as to when they are asked to visit campus for taking two tests, however testing will begin from Monday 4 January for at least six weeks, so there is flexibility for all students to be tested at the most convenient time, depending on their circumstances.
- Students who are unable to return to campus due to travel or health issues will be able to access their learning online.
- More information about the staggered return to campus for students can be found on the Student Hub’s ‘Arriving and getting tested’ page.
Booking Covid-19 Lateral Flow tests
Two tests will need to be booked, three days apart.
If either test shows a positive result for Covid-19, you must self-isolate immediately and book a PCR test through the NHS.
You can book your two Covid-19 Lateral Flow tests, three days apart, via the online booking form.
People travelling from overseas
- People travelling back to Sussex from overseas will need to self-isolate (or quarantine) as part of current guidance on arriving from abroad, they should do this immediately and not book the mass asymptomatic tests. You can shorten your isolation period however by booking a PCR test at least 5 days after your flight, see below.
- At present the tests provided at the test centre are not part of the “test to release for international travel scheme”. If you arrange a private PCR after 5 days of isolation and then receive a negative result you can end your isolation due to traveling from overseas. The Government has shared a list of providers.
- Once you have finished your period of self-isolation, as long as you are not experiencing any symptoms, you can leave isolation. Anyone working or studying on campus will need to follow the rules that have been established to make the campus Covid-secure.
- If staff or students do have Covid-19 symptoms, they are directed to report these using the University’s online reporting form.
More information
- You can read more information on the staff webpages, mass testing FAQs – and you can also view the detailed information we are sharing with students.
- We will continue to keep you informed of any updates on the staff webpages and via email from Monday 4 January.