Staff invited to take part in Pulse Survey to make Sussex better
By: Sean Armstrong
Last updated: Friday, 5 February 2021
Our 2021 staff survey launches next week and will run twice a year from 2021, giving us the opportunity to hear more regularly from staff on the things that matter most to them.
All staff will be invited by email to take part in this online survey which should take no longer than five minutes to complete.
By aiming to do two Pulse surveys a year we can hear the views of staff more regularly, can build up a picture of your views on working here and can respond to emerging issues.
This is particularly important as we continue to live through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Director of Human Resources (HR) Siobhan O’Reilly said: “It's really important for us to know how staff feel about working here at Sussex. It helps leaders and managers to understand what matters most to our staff. If we want to make Sussex a better place to work, then we need to hear the view of all our staff.
“Data from staff surveys is also vital to the University’s equalities work and will allow us to evidence the targets we propose in our equalities action plans and demonstrate improvement.
“This year we have made the survey shorter so it should only take a few moments of your time. We would urge everyone to take part so that we can bring about positive change here at Sussex.
“Please do take the time to fill it in and ensure your voice is heard.”
The survey run by a third-party provider called People Insights and is confidential to encourage more people to take part and give an honest opinion of working at Sussex and saying what they think could be done differently or better.
You can expect to receive an email from People Insights next Monday. This link is unique to you and you will be sent reminders to complete it. The survey will run from Monday 25 January 2021 to Friday 12 February 2021.
Your Head of School and Divisional Director will see the results for your area and will share these with you. We will also publish an institutional summary of results. Each School and Division will be asked to create its own action plan to take forward any themes that emerge from their Pulse survey and we will also agree and publish an institutional action plan whose progress will be monitored by the People, Culture and Inclusion Committee and by the University’s Executive Group.
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