Latest information and guidance for staff - 22 January
By: Sean Armstrong
Last updated: Friday, 22 January 2021
Supporting staff with caring responsibilities
As we live through this third lockdown, we know that many of our staff are trying to cope with work and caring responsibilities. Others are finding that their work cannot be done remotely either in part or in its entirety. We know how difficult it is to balance everything and the pressure that staff are feeling to continue to cover workloads.
Although the University will not be claiming from the Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme to cover the costs of furloughing, we are committed to these things:
- Managers will talk to staff about what they can do in terms of work at this time and will agree a pattern of work with their people
- We will continue to pay our contracted staff at their current salary, even if the pattern of work agreed is less than the usual agreed hours
- In effect the University is covering the costs of furloughing staff itself, in many cases as if they were being furloughed part-time
- We already have in place a flexible working policy which allows staff to ask for reduced hours, compressed hours and unpaid leave to suit a variety of circumstances
- We are about to introduce an annual leave purchase scheme so that staff can “buy” additional leave to use in a way that works for them
- In committing to cover the costs of salaries for our staff in this way we are ensuring that everyone can keep in touch with their teams (furloughed workers are not permitted to undertake anything that can be defined as work). In this way we are reducing the likelihood of isolation and the challenges of re-entering a team after a period of distance
Please speak to your line manager about how we can support you as we know each individual’s circumstances are unique.
In addition we have provided staff with a range of tools and resources to help them during this time, including FAQs for staff, advice for managers - and remember all staff have free access to 24 hour support through the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), and further support in our wellbeing hub.
Recent update to critical worker letter
The latest Department for Education guidance is that, in principle, higher education staff can be classified as critical workers and are therefore entitled to request schooling for their children but has also asked critical workers to keep children at home where possible and request school places only where necessary. We’ve recently updated our Semester Two pages with the Government definitions of critical worker status. If you need a critical worker letter to demonstrate your eligibility, please download a critical worker letter [DOC 74.50KB]. Proof of critical worker status will not guarantee access to schooling: access is at the discretion of a school and is likely to be influenced by staffing levels and therefore places available.
Testing now available to staff/students on campus twice a week
The University has been given the go-ahead to roll out regular mass testing for Sussex staff and students. This extension of the lateral flow testing operation we have been running since November 2020 means that we will be able to offer testing twice a week for students and staff who need it. These can be booked online now. This will initially run until 15 February, but we are expecting further guidance from the Government in the coming weeks about the broader return of students to campus and the role that mass testing will play in that.
Domestic abuse during lockdown
Domestic abuse is often a hidden crime that is not reported to the police, and with many couples living with the strain of another lockdown it’s more important than ever to know where to go for help. The government recently launched a new code word scheme for anyone experiencing domestic abuse and needing immediate help. The code word is ‘ANI’ which stands for Action Needed Immediately but also phonetically sounds like the name Annie. If a pharmacy has the ‘Ask for ANI’ logo on display, it means they can help. For further details including the logo which pharmacies will display, please access the information on the website. Further information is also available from government guidance on Domestic abuse: get help during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
The University’s Employee Assistance Programme is also available to staff 24 hours a day / 365 days-a-year, providing counselling and specialist advice on a range of matters over the phone. The service is confidential and staff can self-refer themselves - there is no need to inform your line manager. Staff can call the EAP helpline on 0800 015 5630.
Ongoing communications with staff
Following recent HR-related changes to policies and procedures during the current lockdown, we’ve arranged webinars about where to find the advice and support you need at this time. The first event took place on Monday this week – watch the recording online. In the second event you’ll have another chance to pose questions anonymously to senior managers in areas like: Human Resources; Teaching and Learning; Health and Safety; Student Experience; and Estates. The webinar takes place from 10.30 am to 11.30 am on Tuesday 26 January. Please register now as spaces are limited.
Staff survey
Our 2021 staff survey launches next week and will run twice a year, giving us the opportunity to hear more regularly from staff on the things that matter most to them. All staff will be invited by email to take part in this online survey which should take no longer than five minutes to complete.