Size and Shape week six update
By: Sean Armstrong
Last updated: Friday, 28 May 2021
Dear colleagues,
We are now at the end of the Size and Shape engagement period, as it was first planned. During this time we have seen two rounds of University-wide engagement sessions, involving over 1,400 people in the first round and nearly 1,300 in the second, with a broad balance of academic and professional services staff and contributions via the online survey. The number of people who have engaged is impressive as well as the insights that have been provided.
The responses are reflective of the University community. One that prides itself on its critical and diverse thinking. Therefore, as you would expect, there are a wide range of opinions and thoughts presented.
Working through the responses and identifying the broad themes has been the primary task for the Sussex Engagement Group (SEG), who have given their time and expertise to create the Engagement report. This report will now be given to the University Executive Group (UEG). It is very important to remember that SEG are acting to inform, not direct, the decision making of the UEG, and as such should not be considered decision-makers in the programme of Size and Shape.
The creation of the report marks the end point of the SEG’s intensive work, and again I want to express my gratitude to them for their commitment and dedication in delivering such a comprehensive outcome.
Next steps
UEG will receive the Engagement report next week. It is hoped that the report will be shared with all staff and that it initiates further forms of engagement on aspects of the Size and Shape programme. I hope to be reporting on that soon.
Finally, thank you to everyone who has contributed to the engagement activities over the last six weeks. I do hope that you will continue to be part of our ongoing engagement on the future of our University. Your involvement is needed in making sure we continue on this important programme together.
With best wishes,
Professor Keith Jones
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)