Claim your expenses by the end of the financial year
By: Sean Armstrong
Last updated: Tuesday, 27 July 2021

If you are a user of the University’s finance system you will have already received an email on 8 July letting you know that the University’s financial year ends on 31 July. This year, this falls on a Saturday so for most of us this means that all tasks need to be completed by Friday 30 July.
The email also explained which tasks need to be completed (and when) to make sure costs and income fall into the correct financial year and ensure that the University can meet its external reporting and governance deadlines.
If you no longer have the original email you can see a copy of the text and task deadlines on the Finance Division Year End webpage.
The Finance Service Desk are on hand to help you with any queries you may have. You can contact them on or on 01273 87(7172) between 8.30am and 5pm.