Global Mobility Survey for staff working overseas
By: Sean Armstrong
Last updated: Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Schools colleagues will have received an email from their relevant Head of School containing a link to a short Global Mobility Survey.
This survey is part of an ongoing piece of work we are undertaking to ensure we are legally compliant for staff we employ who may be working overseas, and we are asking colleagues in Schools to complete the survey and provide details if you have lived or worked overseas since 1 January 2021.
Thank you to those who have already completed the survey. If you are yet to do so, we ask that you take 5 minutes to do so by Friday 6 August to enable us to make necessary preparations for the new academic year.
Please rest assured that the University is supportive of overseas work and collaborations and it is not the intention to curtail such activity.
However, this must be with the knowledge and approval of the University in order for the risks and appropriate actions to be managed. Where compliance issues are identified we will discuss those with you so that we can work together to find a resolution.
For more information on what needs to be recorded in the survey, and for a helpful set of FAQs, please see our Global Mobility webpage. If you need further help, please email: