February 2025 is Payroll Giving month!
Posted on behalf of: Kirsty Perry, Reward Team
Last updated: Friday, 31 January 2025

Will you consider joining our Payroll Giving Scheme this month? Last year UK employees raised £48m through Payroll Giving, choosing their own favourite cause to support.
Through our Payroll Giving scheme, Sussex employees can support and make monthly donations to any UK registered national or local charity or recognised good cause through their salary. Examples include places of worship, school and scout groups, animal welfare, conservation and environmental concerns, disability, homelessness or LGBTQ+ communities.
How does it work?
Payroll Giving is simple and tax effective. Your donation is deducted from your pay before you pay HMRC. For example, if you donate £5, the cost to you in your take-home pay is £4 and HMRC pays the rest.
You can choose how much you want to give and are able to change the donation amount, amend which charities you would like to support, or even stop if you wish, at any time.
Setting up regular donations is beneficial for charities as it helps them to plan and budget, compared to one-off donations.
To find out more, find a charity that is right for you and to start your donation today, please visit our dedicated giving page.
Or visit our Reward and Benefits webpages and navigate to the ‘Giving back’ tile to learn more about the Sussex Fund specifically: Reward and benefits : Human Resources : University of Sussex
Any questions, please contact the Reward team at reward@sussex.ac.uk