Find out how the University will build a robust digital infrastructure to support learning, teaching, and our current and future digital needs.



What is it? Cloud Enablement and Cloud Transformation projects will together provide modern data backup and an all-new server infrastructure.

Why it's better for you: Moving to this way of working will ensure better data security, better reliability and resilience, and improved speed, without affecting the way you use your applications day to day.

Why it's better for the University: Making use of both modern cloud-based and on-site computing services will enable the University to: scale up computing services to match growing needs; be flexible to changing needs; and enable better team collaboration through improved data access.  

When it's happening: Cloud Enablement: A supplier for a new cloud-based systems and data backup solution has been selected to work with us and we’re now moving into the implementation phase of the project. This is expected to be completed by mid-summer this year. Cloud Transformation: An external partner has been commissioned to work with us on a project blueprint. The blueprint and project Business Case are expected to be completed during 2024 with implementation expected to start in 2025. 

About the projects

Cloud Enablement and Transformation includes two projects.

  • The Cloud Enablement project will move us to a modern, cloud-based ‘back up’ data storage facility, replacing much of the existing on-campus tape library.
  • The Cloud Transformation project will give us an all-new server and service infrastructure  which will be a mix of on-site and cloud-based services.  This will underpin the University’s digital applications for the next five to seven years.

The projects will apply to all servers hosting IT applications, apart from those within Research, Engineering and Informatics, and BSMS at the request of the relevant departments. 

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing provides access through the internet to computing resources, data storage and infrastructure management tools, that together provide the platform to deliver business applications and services to the user.

Cloud services may be hosted in different ways including by a public or private cloud services provider, by a software vendor, or on-site, and there are various ways in which the responsibility for management can be shared.

Cloud project benefits

Find out more about the benefits of Cloud Enablement below. You can also view this slide for more information. 

Business growth

Improved technology and ability to meet increasing business demands across learning, teaching, research and Professional Services.


Removal of unnecessary manual steps to streamline process across staff, student and IT roles to increase productivity and deliver value faster.​

User Experience 

A robust, resilient, and accessible infrastructure across all devices, allowing users to use IT services irrespective of their physical location, and with an improved service availability to enhance user experience.


Improved IT Services delivery time, allowing University technology to be implemented, improved, upscaled and removed faster.


The use of modern, secure technologies to improve our cyber security and minimise risk of cyber-attacks. 


We can reduce our carbon footprint by using consolidated, energy efficient cloud infrastructure outside of the University premises. We will have a particular focus on the global sustainability impact of our decision making throughout the programme


It will provide a predictable and adjustable revenue funded model, and a reduction in costs associated with the need to rework old software and systems.

See more from Digital Infrastructure Programme