Find UKVI compliance information on student visas for staff at Sussex.

Our status

The University is a Student Visa Sponsor, which means we can sponsor international students to obtain a student visa to study with us.

Student Sponsor status is granted by a Home Office department called UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI).

To maintain this status, we must ensure we comply fully with UK Immigration Rules and student sponsorship guidance.


We have key staff responsible for student visa policies and procedures which demonstrate how we comply at all stages of the student journey.

These people are:

Throughout the student visa process

At the offer stage (when offers are made and accepted), we have a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) issuing policy [PDF 256KB] and provide information on how to apply for a student visa using the CAS issued by the University. We also provide information about the responsibilities of student visa-holders.

At the registration stage and while studying, we supply extensive advice and support for student visa-holders.

If you want:

Helping a student

If you have queries from students, direct: