Update to payroll cut off dates and new casual claim form – effective September 2020
By: Sean Armstrong
Last updated: Friday, 2 October 2020
During the lock down period the Payroll Team have continued to provide all of our services and we have been able to do so without making any substantial changes to our working processes and deadlines.
Since March we have continued to monitor the situation on campus and it is now clear that we cannot continue to operate to our previous deadlines without risking the integrity of our work. You may know that we made a temporary shift to electronic claim submission in March and we had expected to return to the original process once lock down was lifted.
We now know that lockdown will not lift in a way which will facilitate the return to a paper-based submission process and we have decided that the electronic claim process will now become a permanent change and we will no longer accept paper submissions of claims form.
To facilitate this, we have reviewed the casual claim process to ensure we can continue to offer continuity of service and to ensure that we can meet the deadlines which we have committed to.
New cut off dates
With effect from September the casual claim cut off will differ from the normal HR & Payroll cut off and will be brought forward to the end of the preceding month. This means that the September cut off will now become 31 August.
The full revised cut off dates are now published and are on our website: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/humanresources/payrollandpensions/payrolldocumentsandforms
New casual claim form
As part of this review we have also updated our casual claim form to enable easier electronic completion, which should also remove the need for forms to be printed only to be signed and scanned back in.
The new electronic casual claim form is published on our website: https://www.sussex.ac.uk/webteam/gateway/file.php?name=fee.pdf&site=302
Please note that this change only affects the submission deadlines for casual payment forms. The current cut off dates for contractual and post related changes remain unchanged.
Please contact Payroll Manager, Iain Berry, with any queries: I.Berry@sussex.ac.uk