Guidance for staff returning to work on campus
By: Charlie Littlejones
Last updated: Friday, 14 August 2020
An email was sent to all staff this week (12 August) updating them on new guidance for staff returning to work on campus. You can read the full email here:
Following the recent email to all staff about the University’s plans for the new academic year and the phased return to campus, a lot of work has been in development to provide more details and answer many of the questions staff may have.
A guidance document has been produced which takes into consideration a range of measures that are necessary for individuals with varying circumstances as we move to a different way of working. The University has worked constructively with the campus trade unions on the development of the guidelines - and the key principles which underpin this guidance - and will continue to discuss return to campus matters with them.
We would advise all staff to read and familiarise themselves with the information as well as other information which can be accessed from our new Plans for Autumn term webpages. This includes new FAQs and a managers’ toolkit.
The University’s return to campus plans are focused on roles and activities that need to be performed on campus to meet our academic objectives, or to support students who live on campus, or essential services (such as security). Working from home, where possible, will continue to be the default for some staff as part of our blended delivery of the 20/21 academic year.
As we move through the phases of the reopening, you can be assured that the health, safety and wellbeing, both physical and mental, of our staff and students remains the University’s key priority and will continue to be at the centre of planning and decision-making – and the support we offer.
All staff are encouraged to speak to their line manager about returning to campus, so that you have an opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns. You may have concerns about your vulnerability or the vulnerability of those you live with, about using public transport, or caring responsibilities or a combination of all of these.
The University will soon provide a Covid-19 self-assessment tool for staff. This is currently being reviewed and more information will be shared on this as soon as possible.
There will also be plenty of opportunities for staff to feed into the future planning of how the University operates and how we can support staff as we move through the coming months.
A series of webinars will also be arranged for the end of August / early September for staff to join where they will hear from senior colleagues. Director of HR, Siobhan O’Reilly, Director of Estates, Facilities and Commercial Services, Robert Hutton and General Counsel and Director of Governance and Compliance Bridget Edminson will be available to share information and answer questions regarding the plans for a phased return to campus and the health and safety measures we have in place.
Book your place on a return to campus webinar by clicking on one of the links below: