Latest information and guidance for staff
By: Sean Armstrong
Last updated: Friday, 6 November 2020
New guidance for your attention this week
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement of further significant “lockdown” restrictions to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the University wrote to all staff on Sunday 1 November and Tuesday 3 November with updated guidance – and a new section has been added to the staff pages containing current lockdown information.
Teaching and Learning
We will continue to offer face to face teaching as part of our blended learning approach. Our laboratories will remain open enabling research activities to continue and the Library will also continue to be open. We have taken on board all of the new DfE guidance and will continue to do so in light of any more that arises, with a key focus of taking into account the needs and concerns of our students and staff and what the University has promised to deliver to our students. Please speak to your line manager if you have any concerns about your own circumstances during this time.
Abiding by the law on campus
The University has written to students this week to remind them that following the Government’s guidance during the pandemic is a legal requirement. We know the majority of our students are taking this very seriously. We have let students on campus know that they may see a Police presence from time to time and that they shouldn’t be alarmed by this – the primary reason is to make sure that everyone is safe, as concerns were raised by students about the large gatherings, and we know this is reassuring for many people on campus. Students are reminded that if they have concerns they can call our security team 24/7.
Face coverings
The Department for Education has advised that for the period of national restrictions that face coverings should be used in all learning environments, providing the use of face coverings does not impact teaching and learning. Some individuals are exempt from wearing face coverings, and we expect staff and students to be sensitive to those needs. We have reminded students of their responsibility in this area.
Face coverings will not usually be required in staff offices, because other mitigations are in place.
Those who have a medical reason not to wear a face covering will have the option of wearing a lanyard to signify this. You can collect a lanyard from Sussex House reception. More information
The next semester
A lot of planning and preparation is ongoing for the next semester. As you will be aware, it is very hard to predict what government guidelines will be in place, but our current assumptions are that we will continue to deliver a blended learning approach to our students.
At this stage, our expectation is that the current working patterns that staff members are following will be the same in January. So that means, if you are working remotely that will continue and if you are required on campus then that will remain in place. Of course, if the Government guidelines change, we will respond and adapt. We have been and will continue to plan for all scenarios. We will aim to ensure that staff are informed of any significant changes to our working patterns at least a month in advance.
Longer term, we are reviewing how we can increase the range of options for flexible working.
These plans are ongoing and as soon as we have changes approved as part of a new framework, we will share details with colleagues.
If you do have any questions about our phased return to campus you can email
Sports and activities
Whilst the latest Government restrictions mean that in person, group and team sports and activities are on hold until lockdown is over, we hope they can start again as soon as possible. Sussexsport is hosting its Stay Home with US programme of online classes, blogs and downloadable home workouts during the next few weeks.
We are reminding students of the activities they can take part in via our ‘Things to do page’ run by people connected with the University. We are also putting in place additional activities that we will be sharing with students very soon to help support them during the November lockdown.
Mental Health at Sussex
Last month the Organisational Development team launched the online wellbeing hub. This contains a wide range of self-directed resources for staff. This will support our patterns of flexible working and other initiatives which we are developing.
As well as physical and mental health resources, there is a section on financial wellbeing, and a section for managers to ensure they are able to support their direct reports and so we can ensure a duty of care to support the wellbeing of others.
HR is also asking for volunteers to join a Mental Health Staff Forum, which will shape the development of our mental health and wellbeing provision.
Please email if you are interested in joining the Forum, or if you have any questions about the Forum, please email Sharon Neal on