Covid-19 update for all staff
By: Charlie Littlejones
Last updated: Wednesday, 30 December 2020
On Wednesday, 30 December 2020, the Vice-Chancellor wrote to all staff. You can read the full email below:
Dear colleague,
I hope you have managed to find some time to enjoy the past few days since I last wrote.
I mentioned in my last email, sent on the 24 December, that I would write again today.
I have no gift of foresight but that decision was fortuitous. The day started with the very welcome announcement that the ‘Oxford vaccine’ has received regulatory approval and this will allow the vaccination programme to speed up significantly. There is now genuine light at the end of the tunnel.
However, the journey to that point is going to be difficult. As you know, the UK is experiencing a significant surge in coronavirus cases and the health service is under severe strain. Although local hospitals have good capacity, other areas of the South East are encountering major and potentially dangerous pressures.
In this context, the Secretary of State for Education has announced a series of changes today that will affect schools and universities in England. It will take a little time to digest the details, but they represent a significant tightening of the restrictions on us.
Only students studying at Sussex for degrees in Medicine, Teaching and Social Work will be able to return to study next week. There may be further – and limited – exemptions for students studying for particular professional programmes and if this applies to degrees that we teach the School leadership will be informed.
At the moment, it is unclear when all other students will be able to return to campus: this will be reviewed on Monday 18 January.
This announcement has a number of implications for every member of staff.
Unless you need to be on campus to do your job, you must work from home. Staff undertaking essential work that cannot be done at home such as teaching, research where you need laboratory facilities, libraries, catering, student support and so on – can come to work.
Staff who are teaching in the coming Semester should, I’m afraid, expect some disruption and uncertainty. I fervently hope that we will be able to offer significant face to face teaching but this will only be possible if both our own internal assessments of the health and safety risks permit it and Government allows it. In the meantime, it seems likely that the start of term will be online only for those students who are not permitted to return immediately.
The University has significant testing capacity and our Test Centre will operate next week but on a limited basis only to allow students on designated courses and staff to obtain two lateral flow tests. You can book your tests here.
Finally, I realise how difficult this last year has been and would like to remind you that you can access free, confidential counselling and support as part of our Employee Assistance Programme. You can refer yourself and do not need to inform anyone.
I am joining a meeting with the Minister for Universities today and hope to be in a position to clarify matters further as soon as possible.
I do wish you the very best for the rest of the winter break.
Whilst the coming weeks may hold challenges for us all, I do firmly believe we will begin to see brighter skies in 2021.
All my best,