USS 2020 valuation update
By: James Hakner
Last updated: Friday, 30 April 2021
This is part of the regular series of USS communications to update staff on the progress of the 2020 valuation of the USS pension scheme.
In this update:
- UUK consultation ongoing
- University seeks staff views on USS
- Further webinars have taken place
UUK consultation ongoing
Since early April, Universities UK (UUK) has been consulting with all 340 employer organisations in USS, including the University of Sussex, to reach a shared understanding about their collective position on the future of the scheme. A number of scenarios are under consideration and UUK are seeking employers’ views on a compromise position. You can read the UUK consultation documents on the USS Employers website. Alongside the seven-week consultation, UUK is continuing to push the USS Trustee to reconsider its approach to the 2020 valuation, which UUK has described as overly prudent.
University seeks staff views on USS
On Monday this week, all staff eligible to be members of USS were emailed a link to a University survey, inviting them to contribute their views about the pension scheme. Nearly 250 staff have already responded – all views submitted before the survey closes on Friday 7 May will help to inform the University’s response to the UUK consultation. The University is keen to hear from both non-members and members.
Further webinars have taken place
We have recently held two popular webinars for Sussex staff hosted by Rebecca Dodd, an independent pensions expert from Mercer. Rebecca updated colleagues on the 2020 valuation and the UUK consultation, before answering questions. Recordings of the webinars will be made available for staff shortly, alongside any unanswered questions from the sessions. In the meantime, you can watch recordings of Rebecca’s webinars from March, which went into greater detail about the benefits that members get from the USS pension scheme.
More information
Visit the Human Resources web pages for more information about the 2020 valuation of the USS pension scheme.