Update on the USS 2020 valuation
By: Sean Armstrong
Last updated: Friday, 16 July 2021

This is part of a regular series of communications to update staff on the progress of the 2020 valuation of the USS pension scheme.
- UUK consultation closed
- JNC meetings over coming weeks
- A reminder of where to find resources
UUK consultation closed
A short consultation with employers by Universities UK (UUK) concluded on 5 July. All 340 employing institutions, including Sussex, were invited to give their position on potential modifications to the indicative outcome of the 2020 valuation, ahead of Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) meetings in the coming weeks.
JNC meetings over coming weeks
The JNC, comprising national representatives from UUK and UCU, is meeting several times in the coming weeks to try to reach an agreement about how to conclude the 2020 valuation. The JNC has until the end of August to conclude its discussions. Should a solution emerge, the JNC will seek clarity from the USS Trustee about what this means for the contribution increases scheduled for October 2021.
A reminder of where to find resources
We are keeping up-to-date information about the 2020 valuation on our website. This includes links to key documents published by the main parties, as well as recordings of recent webinars.
If you have questions about your individual pension or circumstances, you can contact pensions@sussex.ac.uk.