Obituary: John Field
Posted on behalf of: Internal Communications
Last updated: Tuesday, 10 May 2022
![Obituary John Field](/assets/images/news-feed/2022/05/14941.item.jpg)
John Field, who died on 9 April 2022 aged 89, was a member of staff at the University from the late 1960s until he left in the late 1980s.
From Balliol College Oxford, where he studied physics, he spent some time at Harwell before joining the BBC for a number of years producing educational programmes. He was recruited to the, then, newly created media service unit (MSU) at Sussex.
Although basically a scientist, his interest in teaching methods and student learning meant he worked across most Schools and subject groups eventually taking some responsibility for helping individual students with learning problems. He also worked with Dr Anthony Ryle who was responsible for medical services at the University and this led to him adopting a student counselling role. Counselling interested him greatly and led to a furthering of his career in this sphere in London and elsewhere.
Author: Eric Hewton