Staff survey opens on 30 September - have your say and help shape the future of Sussex!
Posted on behalf of: Internal Communications
Last updated: Wednesday, 14 August 2024
The staff survey is an opportunity to make your voice heard as we work together to build a university for the future.
Our next survey will be open from Monday 30 September through to Sunday 20 October 2024 and we encourage you to take part and share your thoughts and experiences of working at Sussex.
Your views and feedback are extremely important to us and help to shape action plans not just within Faculties, Schools and Divisions but across the entire University.
Look out for an email from People Insight, our survey partner, on 30 September with your personal survey link. Please take the opportunity to have your say and help us to continue to improve your experience at Sussex.
About the staff survey
The staff survey has been scheduled for September/October 2024 to align with the timing of previous surveys. This helps to give us a consistent point of comparison when evaluating our progress since the last survey in October 2022.
Previous staff surveys were shorter and more frequent, with a set of core questions and additional themed questions on different areas of the staff experience. Upcoming surveys will now be held every two years and will be slightly longer to incorporate a full range of questions on all themes.
The staff survey is one of the ways your views are heard at Sussex. As we move to a two-year cycle, we will be making sure there are a number of additional ways you can share your thoughts between surveys and further details will be provided later in the year.
Following a contract tender process earlier in 2024, we will once again be working with partner organisation People Insight who will deliver the survey. All survey responses will continue to remain completely confidential and no answers or comments will be attributable to any individual.
How to take part
You will receive an email from People Insight on Monday 30 September with your survey link. The survey, which closes on Sunday 20 October, will take you around 15 minutes to complete and you will be able to access it easily on either your computer or mobile phone.
Measuring our progress towards improving the staff experience
As outlined in our People Strategy, we want staff to feel proud to work at Sussex. We aim to improve the staff experience by making sure our workplace is inclusive, supportive and enables people to flourish and thrive. The staff survey is an important way for us to measure our progress against our aims.
Across each of the Faculties, Schools and Divisions we are addressing areas highlighted in survey responses and bringing positive change for staff at the University - thank you to everyone taking part in this important work. Many staff have also contributed to insightful case studies about how their area is tackling issues raised in previous surveys.
Find out more
You can view previous survey results, ongoing action plans and case studies on our staff survey webpages.