Print Unit to close at end of June
Posted on behalf of: Better Campus
Last updated: Monday, 17 March 2025

As part of the University’s continued focus on financial resilience, it has been confirmed that the Print Unit, currently located in Hastings Building, will close from the end of June 2025.
This decision has been made due to declining use of the service and high operating costs, resulting in the unit running at a loss for several years. It therefore makes financial sense to close the unit when equipment leases expire at the end of June.
SEF colleagues who currently work in the service are aware and are being fully supported by the SEF senior management team.
Procurement and Estates colleagues are currently working with stakeholders across the University to finalise the print services which will be available to the University via third party print contracts. These will be in place from June, ensuring that the print services the University requires can be provided in the most efficient and cost-effective manner from July onwards. Further information will be made available later this spring.
The Print Unit will continue to offer their full range of services up until 15 June 2025 followed by a handover period when urgent works can be requested.
If you have any questions or feedback, please email