Find out how to advertise for a Sussex Graduate Associate in your team.

  1. Define the job description

    Sussex Graduate Associate roles are advertised in the same way as regular staff vacancies.

    You must:

    • draft the job description and person specification, stating that it will be a Sussex Graduate Associate appointment
    • state the grade and contract length – this is grade 3 point 3, and for 12 to 14 months
    • use the job title: “Graduate...[job title]”.

    For advice on writing your job description, contact your HR Business Partner/Adviser, who will be able to share an example with you.

    For advice on the kinds of activities and tasks suitable for Graduate Associates, contact Emily Huns in Careers and Entrepreneurship at

  2. Create a personal development plan

    You will need to create a personal development plan and submit to HR along with your job description and person specification. The personal development plan will require approval from Organisational Development prior to the post being advertised.

    See our Graduate personal development plan [PDF 30.15KB] template.

  3. Start the recruitment process

    Once you have received formal approval for recruitment, send the draft job advert, job description and person specification to HR, ensuring that the details confirm the anticipated start date.

    Request that your advert be advertised:

  4. Shortlisting and interviewing

    You will receive a number of applications from which to shortlist and interview. The HR team will support you and administer the recruitment process but it is your final decision who you would like to recruit and employ.

    Just like the application process, the interview should be conducted in broadly the same way as when recruiting any employee to work at Sussex. That said, consideration should be given when devising interview questions to the fact that many graduates may have limited work experience.

    Make sure everyone on the interviewing panel has received training in recruitment and selection and undertaken the University’s online unconscious bias e-learning course.

  5. Confirm the appointment

    Confirm your appointment and agree a start date. You can download our induction checklist [PDF 30KB] to help you plan for your new starter’s arrival.

  6. Review your training plan

    Now it’s time to look over your personal development plan and make sure the graduate receives adequate support and guidance throughout the duration of the programme.

    In the last month, the aim is that your next graduate member of staff is recruited and your existing staff member spends their last month supporting and guiding their replacement in their new role.

See more from Sussex Graduate Associates
