Nominations for Senate staff elections now open
By: Sean Armstrong
Last updated: Friday, 12 July 2024
The Governance Team will be running elections this year for Senate roles, as follows:
- Three academic elected representatives to Senate from the Faculty of Media, Arts & Humanities
- Three academic elected representatives to Senate from the University of Sussex Business School
In June 2024, Senate approved for recommendation to Council, a proposed revision to its composition as set out in Regulation 4: Senate, which Council ratified on 12 July 2024.
The academic elected membership of Senate will move from School representation to Faculty representation with equal representation for each Faculty. Each Faculty will have five elected members, and this has different implications for different Faculties. For the Faculty of Media, Arts and Humanities and the University of Sussex Business School, their representation will increase from two posts to five.
The existing members of Senate for these two Faculties are:
- Faculty of Media, Arts and Humanities: Professor Sara Crangle and Dr William McEvoy
- University of Sussex Business School: Professor Paul Nightingale and Dr Maria Holgado Granados
The Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine and the Faculty of Social Sciences, have sufficient elected academic members already and will be working together to agree their representation for next academic year.
Senate, is responsible for academic standards and the direction and regulation of academic matters of the University. This encompasses teaching, examining and research as well as oversight of quality assurance and standards of the education provided by the University. Academic members are elected by and from the teaching staff (Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, Readers and Professors), and serve a term of three years.
Election procedure
The first step is the nomination of candidates. Nominators should check that their nominee is willing and eligible to serve. Self-nomination is permissible. Nomination forms and information to check if you are eligible to nominate yourself, be nominated and vote, are available on the Governance website.
Nominations open: Friday 12 July 2024.
Deadline for nominations: Friday 26 July 2024.
Election emails: All academic staff eligible to vote will be receive an email in the week commencing 12 August 2024, providing details of nominees and instruction on how to vote.
Voting: Will take place between 12 August and 2 September 2024, with results due by 6 Sep 2024.
We work with the Electoral Reform Society (CIVICA) to manage voting externally and confidentially.
Find out more
The Governance Team are holding webinars about the elections and the roles of Senate; these are open to all staff eligible for nomination. Please email Lisa Glandfield,, if you would like to attend one of these sessions, which include;
- Monday 22 July 2pm-3pm
- Weds 24 July 2pm-3pm
For more information, please email Lisa Glandfield, Governance & Compliance Manager: