Browse contact details for services within the Finance division.
Service details
Jacinda Humphry is Director of Finance.
- Email:
- Finance Service Desk
Supports University staff with finance enquiries, finance systems support and finance training needs.
- Phone: +44 (0)1273 877172. Available 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
- Email:
- Insurance
Manage University insurance services including travel insurance.
- Phone: +44 (0)1273 877172
- Email:
- Finance Systems
Oversee all finance systems.
- Phone: +44 (0)1273 877172
- Email:
- Management Accounting
Prepare financial reporting and decision support for schools and professional services.
- Phone: +44 (0)1273 877172
- Email:
- Accounts Payable
Manage payments to suppliers and reimbursement of out of pocket expense claims.
- Phone: +44 (0)1273 877172
- Email:
- Procurement
Support staff in high value purchasing and contract management. Develop policy and practice to make purchasing activity easier for all staff and work with suppliers to get best value for money.
- Phone: +44 (0)1273 877172(Named contacts provided directly to ULT and senior staff by Claire Hutchinson, extension 8811).
- Email: (Named contacts provided directly to ULT and senior staff by Claire Hutchinson extension, 8811).
- Finance Business Partners
Provide decision support and advice to senior budget holders to help them achieve their objectives and meet their financial responsibilities.
- Named phone contacts provided directly to ULT and senior staff by Steve Law, extension 3645.
- Named email contacts provided directly to ULT and senior staff by Steve Law
- Corporate Accounting and Income
Prepare University level financial reporting and papers, advise on capital planning, tax and other technical issues.
Corporate Accounting contact details
- Phone: Simon Upstone, exetension 3369.
Income contact details
- Email:
- Phone: Simon Upstone, exetension 3369.
- Corporate Accounting and Income
Administers student-related and commercial income.
- Phone: Dawn Buck, extension 8004.
- Internal and staff email enquiries:
Income contact details
- Email:
- Student Accounts and Accounts Receivable
Administer student-related and commercial income.
- Phone: Dawn Buck, extension 8004.
- Internal and staff email enquiries:
If you’re a current student at Sussex, view fees and refund information on the Student Hub.
Visit the Accounts Receivable website.