Explore the structure of the University and see where departments sit within Schools and Professional Services.

How the University is structured

The University is made up of several Schools and Professional Services divisions:

Professional Services

Professional Services support our schools, departments and students with services including communications, finance human resources, IT, and student experience.

View the Professional Services organisational structure below, select it to view full-screen in the same window or open our organisational chart full-screen in a new browser tab.

Illustration showing organisational structure of professional services divisions and departments at Sussex. Continue for text version.
  • Professional Services organisational structure – text version

    Interim Chief Operating Officer – Emma Potts

    Chief of Staff – Dean Machin

    • Vice Chancellor’s Office

    Estates, Facilities and Commercial Services – Robert Hutton

    • Facilities Management for Academic Buildings
    • Building Management for Residential Buildings
    • Engineering & Maintenance
    • Security
    • Car Parking & Transport Services
    • Portering & Mail Services
    • Grounds Maintenance
    • Help / Service Desk
    • Print & Reprographics
    • Cleaning Services
    • Waste Management
    • Energy & Environmental Services
    • Conferencing & Event Management
    • Housing Services
    • SussexSport
    • Capital Projects
    • Masterplanning and Space Management
    • Sustainability

    Student Experience – Jayne Aldridge

    • Academic Quality and Partnerships
    • Educational Enhancement
    • Student Administration
    • Student Data and Records
    • Student Experiential Services
    • Careers, Employability and Entrepreneurship
    • Student Advice and Guidance
    • Student Complaints, Conduct and Funding
    • Student Engagement and Enhancement
    • Wellbeing, Therapeutic and Residential Life Services
    • Student Systems and Projects

    Communications, Engagement and Advancement – Vickie Sheriff

    • Admissions
    • Communications
    • Development and Alumni Relations
    • Digital and Creative Media
    • Global Engagement
    • International Office
    • Marketing
    • Public Affairs
    • UK Recruitment
    • Widening Participation

    IT & Sussex Projects – Jason Oliver

    IT Services

    • Digital Engagement
    • Strategy and Architecture
    • Operational Services
    • Infrastructure Services

    Sussex Projects

    • Portfolio Management Office
    • Project Delivery

    General Counsel, Governance and Compliance – Laila El Baradei

    • Corporate and Academic Governance Services
    • Legal
    • Information Management and Compliance (including GDPR and FOIA)
    • Risk and Business Continuity Management
    • Prevent Compliance
    • Office for Students (OfS) Compliance, Prevent, Safeguarding, UKVI, CMA and National Security Legislation Compliance
    • Organisational Policy Management

    Finance – Jacinda Humphry

    • Finance Service Desk
    • Strategic and Commercial Projects
    • Finance Systems
    • Management Accounting
    • Corporate Accounting
    • Procurement and Supply Chain Management
    • Finance Admin and Projects
    • Finance Business Partners
    • Billing and Income

    Human Resources – Colin Shipp

    • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
    • Health and Safety
    • HR Business Partners
    • HR Compliance (i.e. UKVI)
    • HR Services and Recruitment
    • HR Policy and Employee Relations
    • HR Systems and Reporting
    • Organisational Development and Wellbeing (including Occupational Health)
    • Payroll
    • Pensions
    • Rewards and Benefits

    Research and Innovation Services – Claire Potter

    • Research Development and Initiatives
    • Research Ethics, Integrity and Governance
    • Research Information, Quality and Impact
    • Research Finance and Contracts
    • Innovation and Business Partnerships
    • Joint Clinical Research Office (JCRO) / Health Research Partnership
    • Sussex Researcher School

    University Librarian – Jane Harvell

    • Research and Open Scholarship
    • Collections
    • Student Experience
    • Content Delivery
    • Operations
    • Digital Development
    • Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts

    Strategy and Planning – Kay Jones

    • Planning and Business Intelligence
    • App, Research and Evaluation

    Faculty Professional and Technical Services – Marie Gallagher

    • Faculty and Schools Professional Services
    • Faculty and Schools Technical Services


View a list of school contact details for staff.

You can also view a schools list on the Sussex public-facing website, which contains links to other external pages.

Other organisations we work with

We also have relationships with:

Sussex Innovation Centre

The Keep

Institute of Development Studies

University of Sussex Students’ Union.