Understand the responsibilities of Student Representatives and how they’re elected.

About the Student Representatives Scheme

The Student Representative (Student Rep.) Scheme is an important means of promoting the student voice at Sussex. It allows students a formal role in improving and assuring the quality of their courses as well as representing students’ views on the wider student experience.

The scheme is run jointly by the University of Sussex and the University of Sussex Students’ Union. Schools of study take an active role in supporting Reps in their school through the Director of Student Experience and professional service support.

The Student Rep. Scheme is jointly managed by nominated staff from the Academic Quality and Partnerships office and from the Students’ Union who make operational decisions about the Scheme, taking into account the views of students and of schools.

The Student Rep. Scheme reports to the University Teaching & Learning Committee, which has oversight of the direction of the Scheme.


Student Representatives

Student Representatives are undergraduate and postgraduate students elected by Sussex students to represent the views and interests of students in their subject, department or school cohort. They are elected to post and to membership of committees and meetings by their peers through fair and transparent elections processes, details of which can be found on University and Students’ Union webpages.

Student Reps primarily represent matters relating to the academic experience of their cohort and relating to the impact of the wider student experience on academic issues.

Student Reps find out about issues affecting students’ studies and experience and represent these issues to the University and to the Students’ Union both informally, and formally at committees and meetings. Student reps have an important role in highlighting areas of good practice in order to make sure they continue and that others hear about them. Student Reps have positions on a number of university committees and meetings and also take part in regular events that review and assure the quality of courses.

The number of Student Rep. positions in each school is determined by the range of subjects and number of students in each school. Typically there are two undergraduate Student Reps for each year of each subject-area (or department), plus one taught postgraduate and one postgraduate research student rep. This usually means around 20 Student reps in each school, and over 200 across the University.

There is also a strong link between Student Reps and the Students’ Union. In particular, Student Reps are eligible to stand for election to the Students’ Union Council, the body that holds the Union’s officers accountable to its members. The Council will include reps from every school, making sure that the views of all students are reflected in the activities of the Union.

Student Reps are expected to attend core training as part of taking up their position.

Being a Student Rep. gives an opportunity to learn and practice new life skills that can improve employability.

Further information is available on the Students’ Union Website.

Student Representative elections

The Student Representative elections, both to Representative posts and committee positions, are detailed on the Student Rep. Elections page.



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