Find out how we aim to support our staff to create a happier, more motivated workforce.

How we aim to increase engagement and wellbeing

We aim to: 

  • make Sussex a place where people feel truly engaged, as measured through the Staff Survey (people feel proud to work here, they see themselves here in two years’ time and the University is seen as a great place to work)
  • write a staff Wellbeing Plan which is research and data-led to help identify the key initiatives we need to take to improve our staff wellbeing going forward
  • identify and implement staff wellbeing actions that create a better supported, engaged and more motivated workforce
  • make sure there is a focus on actions arising from the current Workload Allocation workstream (part of 16-week negotiations with unions) that will: help staff to manage workloads more effectively and make sure the expectations of job roles (academic and Professional Services) are realistic and are in line with agreed job descriptions.

Measuring success

We will: 

  • have an evidence-based Staff Wellbeing Plan, aligned with the Inclusive Sussex Strategy, in place and a subsequent action plan developed and implemented, which is monitored to ensure actions are progressed, implemented and evaluated by 2025 (once the Wellbeing Plan is in place we will share further details)
  • ensure that wellbeing is seen as a priority area that features in all people-related processes and is embedded in daily practises such as annual reviews, one to ones, team/department meetings and staff and leadership behaviours
  • continue to explore the hybridisation of working practices with staff and assess our new ways of working to make sure they consider wellbeing.

What do you want to do next?

See more from People Strategy