Find out how we aim to support our staff from recruitment through to their future career progression at Sussex.

How we aim to harness talent

We aim to: 

  • focus our actions on making sure we keep and attract staff across all areas of the institution
  • ensure a seamless employee journey from recruitment, induction and following through to annual review (currently known as appraisal) – where talents and abilities are recognised and aspirations and development needs are encouraged and supported
  • in order to retain our great staff, create a learning culture in which staff will be equipped with the tools, skills and confidence for success and career progression, and will adopt the behaviours and cultural values of Sussex
  • ensure all our staff have the opportunity to grow and flourish at Sussex, even if that means they then move onto bigger roles elsewhere
  • harness talent to support delivery of the People Strategic Plan by enabling staff to work efficiently and effectively in the pursuit of excellence, allowing us to undertake effective talent management and succession planning
  • maximise the use of technology and offer learning development solutions unconstrained by physical location to allow development pathways for all of our staff (e.g. online learning, hybrid learning).

Measuring success

We will: 

  • write and agree a Total Reward Strategy that we share with all staff by the end of 2024
  • throughout 2023-2025, further develop and implement a valued programme of sustainable leadership development for leaders and managers at all levels, to ensure staff receive a positive leadership and management experience
  • throughout 2023-2025, source and increase the range of learning and development opportunities for all staff at all levels by 2025
  • ensure the process of annual review is accessible for all University staff and that learning, development and progression needs are captured
  • ensure completion rates rise to 95% and that 80% of staff find the review valuable by end of 2023.

What do you want to do next?

See more from People Strategy